Samella Hope Center Project
A Vision of Hope for Women
Through more than 46 years of service to the residents in the West Englewood Community, SamElla, also referred to by the community, as Mother McKenzie was inspired to expand the outreach specifically to young women who express there is no “HOPE’. Studies show that girls, K-12 who come from low income homes, live in poverty stricken neighbors and experience violent crimes, are more likely than males their same age but of a different nationality, to experience decreased psychosocial emotions. As a result, these young girls are in great need of counseling, mentoring and skills development, which are currently not available in the West Englewood Community. Mother McKenzie’s vision was to build the new facility across the street from a High School currently with a 75% drop out rate and slated to close, so that girls could have access to the vision, accessibility to the services and a promising Hope for a safer community and a brighter future.
2018 Purchased Land
Join Mother McKenzie in creating...
Our Goal: $200,000

A Space for Hope!
Open Temporary Offices
Build the New and Permanent SamElla Hope Center for young Women
support This Initiative By Making A Contribution during the week of Hope, August 3 - August 7th. Wont you join ATTCOM in this great cause and give - ATTOM is a not for profit with a 501c3 status and your donation is tax deductible!
If you elect to mail in your donation, please make your check payable to:
ATTCOM – to 6600 S. Hermitage Ave. Chicago, IL 60636
For: Week of Hope Fundraiser